Hey there! I’m Phil, from RubTheBeef.com, and here is some info about me…
As I wrote on the front page, I started this site as a way for me to save my own recipes, and share them when asked. This is why the recipes here vary from keto recipes to smoked recipes, to sauces and seasonings, to Asian inspired recipes. And spicy, I love spicy food. I’m not targeting a specific genre of food, I’m just writing recipes that I enjoy.
I live in Maple, Ontario, Canada, and I enjoy cooking. I don’t have a cooking background, I have a science background, and tend to research things too much. When I am coming up with a recipe or method, I will often research it for a few days, if not longer. This is why some of my recipes will have a strange ingredient sometimes, there usually is a reason behind it. If you don’t understand something I write, please ask, I will answer and explain why I chose something.
About my cooking style (or don’t you use your oven)
You may have noticed, I use a smoker when cooking. A lot.
Unless I am baking something, or braising something, I will usually pick the smoker over the oven. I will try to adapt my recipes to be oven friendly as much as I can, but if I do not, you can use your oven to cook the recipes by simply setting the oven temperature to whatever I have noted as the smoker’s temperature. The cooking times may vary a bit, but shouldn’t be too different.
Contact me:
If you have any questions, suggestions, or know more about me, please contact me at [email protected].
I am also on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RubTheBeef/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubthebeef/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/rubthebeef/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubTheBeef